I felt that it has been once again required that I remind some of you about my commitment to God.
This isn't just a "stupid God thing"...[yes...I've heard some people tell me this...]
This is not just a a "new years resolution" that I made back in December.
To quote Damon Thompson... "I am sick of normal!"
I don't care if you think I'm one of those "weird Christians." This is what I want to do. So deal with it.
If it "pisses you off" [heard that too...] fine.
So...to REITERATE some things:
I've fallen in love with a Man - Jesus Christ.
I refuse to settle for anything less than living holy for my Savior.
I will not settle for "business-as-usual" ANYMORE.
Nothing will change my mind: try as you might...I refuse to let my love falter.
I will no longer take part in certain things of this world:
-I will keep a guard over my mouth. No trashy words will I ever let escape from my mouth ever again.
-Secular music will be on a VERY minuscule amount. What I voluntarily listen to will be edifying.
-I will not watch movies higher than PG/PG-13. No questions asked. If it has sexual immorality, or anyone using the name of God IN VAIN...its a NO-GO.
And for my not-church-friends...
I would personally really love it if music wasn't...well...bad. I would feel really loved if we could find some, happy mediums. You know?
I don't want to be this bold, but quite frankly, I'm trying to change my life.
I want you to keep me accountable. I want to do this for the Lord; these are the "prices" I want to pay to Jesus. This is the 'carrying of my cross, daily.' I know these standards will affect friendships, and "fun" i have with friends that are not yet saved. But this is my commitment. I want you, as my friends, pastors, leaders, etc to keep me true to my word.
Thank you :]
Good job!